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Atlanta, Ga, United States ⸱ 03:27
Level 3 Communications, LLC - GA
(404) 806-4812
JM D ⸱ 673 gg fa
It is the CDC. Google the phone number. This app would be so much better if people would mind their own business if they do not research the facts.
Anonymous ⸱ 498 gg fa
calling on behalf of the centers for disease control and prevention conducting the national immunization survey a nationwide survey about vaccinations for Covid and other diseases affecting adults teens and children
Anonymous ⸱ 691 gg fa
asked about 18 or older, unsafe situation while calling, covid vaccine, doesn't seem legit
Anonymous ⸱ 758 gg fa
fake gov call, pick up phone and be quiet. once they start speaking blow hard and hang up
Riya Panchal ⸱ 947 gg fa
seems like they are from nyc gov and doing survey for covid vaccines
but thats not true because then they ask u your income and all
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