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32771, Sanford, Fl, United States
(800) 318-2596
Peter Shulick ⸱ 63 gg fa
this number belongs to healthcaregov which is Health Care insurance through the government
Anonymous ⸱ 132 gg fa
I can't wait for their call to finally approve my medical transition into a guitar playing, super-hero squid boy who works undercover for the DEA..If they don't approve, I'll steal all of their bellybuttons one by one and sell them on Craigslist.. Let this be so warning..
Anonymous ⸱ 93 gg fa
This is the Affordable Care Act ("Obama Care "). The government should nnot be calling, only spammers or 3rd party ppl trying to get you to use THEIR service to enroll. BTW... the insurance companies pay the 3rd party "brokers" a sign up fee. I've used only the OFFICIAL ACA #.
Anne Collins ⸱ 94 gg fa
They still managed to call my number and I have a block on my phone. And they still managed to get through regardless. So frustrating.
Leighann Fekete ⸱ 95 gg fa
I just changed the name on my truecaller as the one they had was wrong. Market place is there to help and see if you qualify for assistance. If you lost you insurance and need new one thats who will help. but only if you still make income ( Contractor, Seasonal wrk) you need to call State Medicaid.
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