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United States
Multiple OCN Listing
(888) 934-6489
Michael T ⸱ 205 gg fa
Xfinity callback, at least I called me back so I could cancel service.
finally glad to be out of this Monopoly
Donavon Bentz ⸱ 117 gg fa
i was suppose to pay 95 a month and it went up to 195 a month it was breaking me
Malone Hardwud ⸱ 280 gg fa
horrible service and lies about everything ,if i was you id just go with pay to go cause its cheaper and easier to deal with than lying indians that's not even in America
Patrick Uiyoshioria ⸱ 19 gg fa
This is unacceptable. I was billed twice in February. And you tell me it is February and March bill. Hell, no xfinity. You guys are not transparent wth your policies.
Diane Banks ⸱ 32 gg fa
Not spam. Xfinity Customer Service. Hard to get a person on phone. Not spam
Barbara E Hardison ⸱ 52 gg fa
yes, my comment about that caller is to please learn how to speak english. If you chose these types of employment, i didn't understand what he said there is no way i could pay a bill to him i have to be able to understand what your saying to me.
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