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Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa ⸱ 17:24
Internet Solutions (Pty) Ltd
021 753 4713
Maud Norris ⸱ 277 gg fa
Good afternoon, I received a call from Kim regarding my medical aid, unfortunately my battery died
Janko Wiers ⸱ 356 gg fa
Waisting my time, to answer, and then everytime, they drop the call... if u phone back, no does not exist.. how is it possable. if they phone with a caller no that ia displaying on my phone.....
Nomvo Majali ⸱ 467 gg fa
Please don’t permit any call that is from Internet Solution (Pty)LTD company
B Liebenberg ⸱ 467 gg fa
Says this is an important consumer announcement and then the call drops
Gail Davis ⸱ 468 gg fa
caller says this is an important consumer announcement and then the call drops
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