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Sudafrica e Sri Lanka
Di solito chiama
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa ⸱ 17:04
Internet Solutions (Pty) Ltd
021 753 4724
LYNN JOSEPH ⸱ 312 gg fa
This is bordering on harassment now. Calls from 7am right through the day. Blocking these numbers doesn't help either.
Bradley Francke ⸱ 154 gg fa
Do not see the point of a POPI act, when you bombarded by the spamers such as these over 7 times a day.
Lerato Mashiane ⸱ 284 gg fa
This is call is efff annoying. Today I got more than 5 of their calls. They keep coming even though the number is blocked!!! Who keeps giving these people our numbers
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