Screenshot of incoming spam call on the Truecaller Android app
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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ⸱ 09:44
03-7933 3300
E the Legal Eagle ⸱ 191 gg fa
The call is about a free upgrade for your current Unifi package but with a new 24 months contract for loyal Unifi customers with no extra charge.
Anonymous ⸱ 115 gg fa
Ya, ini call yg legal. Jangan block!!
Mohd Zafri ⸱ 143 gg fa
do not block this number. they will call thru this number if you to confirm terminate unifi
Mimi Deen ⸱ 137 gg fa
Bukan scammer. Unifi promoter nak suruh upgrade ke pebenda ntah. Cakap je tak berminat & takdak duit, paham la diorang nanti. Diorang just menjalankan tugas, at least tak goyang kaki.
Hayati Amat ⸱ 31 gg fa
Kenapalah susah sgt nak call. Nak terminate susahnye laaaaa.. kata nak call dalam masa 7 hari tapi xterima apa2 call pun. Bil baru dah sampai. aduhaiiii..
Dogsind Leburey ⸱ 182 gg fa
xleh wassap atau hntr message ka dulu?
Asrie Wahab ⸱ 347 gg fa
Bang kol bgi lepas time keje... Kalau tngah keje mn boleh angkat
Anonymous ⸱ 332 gg fa
This is not scammer or spammer. Don't simply update caller status because you owe them money for something you used and can't afford to pay. I always missed this call just because this number is wrongly tagged
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