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India e Stati Uniti
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India ⸱ 08:59
140 983 0024
Arpita Sen ⸱ 131 gg fa
irritating,.. this call disturb everyday... stop disturbing stop calling
Kalachand Tripathi ⸱ 168 gg fa
Very annoying enough ‼️‼️ Calls 2-3 times per day ! Going to report to the IT cell
Anonymous ⸱ 142 gg fa
this is just a communist propaganda made by november criminals. Don't accept calls from this khachras ekse you will becomber November criminal like stalin,lenin etc.( Heil Hitler)
Tapan Kumar Ghoshal Ghoshal ⸱ 99 gg fa
i AM a costom er for 50yers more than you are very much nice performance my b s n l sim more useful all times to more over usefull
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