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Qatar, India e Kenya
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Qatar ⸱ 04:11
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4000 0990
Anonymous ⸱ 245 gg fa
very bad service and they are calling us many times this is not rigth at all.
maryjane teacherinheart ⸱ 258 gg fa
calling every day even you pay them two minutes ago ahahabab
Sidomaryjude Dellera ⸱ 292 gg fa
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why do I have to pay 108 they said when they called me I have one month free and I will start in the first week of June that's what they said when they called me..its not goo
Anonymous ⸱ 347 gg fa
U don't have to call everytime to remind me.....I know i have a bill which i must pay to continue using the services,thank you
Harjit master ⸱ 364 gg fa
hello sir no have work to much porblem company no give salery company give salery im pay bill
Trueof Life ⸱ 373 gg fa
i convert my sim card from ooredo to Voda phone then i activate with bill i use around one year and never dealy my bill now I don't have job from 2 months 29 feb i was pay the bill and request to voda phone office please now remove the bill and bring it in prepaid they told me need 100 charge why?
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