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Milford, Oh, United States ⸱ 21:24
(513) 831-2600
Jeff Cela ⸱ há 10 dias
TQL salespeople, they're a company but they call at least once a day even if you've never done business with them, extremely annoying tactic.
Magdalena Mellor ⸱ há 402 dias
We used them 3 years ago, and since then they have been calling and emailing me at least twice a week completely disregarding my requests both on the phone and in writing to stop. Now they sit in my Spam box and I'm considering reporting them to BBB. their name is total quality logistics
Tiff Durr ⸱ há 647 dias
they're a logistics company but for some reason they don't leave a voice mail. if you don't work in logistics i would ignore it
Troy Sanders ⸱ há 696 dias
i found out from one of my suppliers that the blocked called i received, was trying to schedule a delivery of 110 refrigerators i ordered for a hotel in building. Not Spammer, maybe their number has been spoofed for the others.
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