Screenshot of incoming spam call on the Truecaller Android app
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Toronto, On, Canada ⸱ 01:42
Iristel Inc. - ON
(647) 951-2099
John Smith ⸱ há 129 dias
doesn't seem to be a scam, unless someone is spoofing the number. its just the Costco Recall line letting you know you purchased something that has a recall notice on it. you probably got an email for it too. feel free to block if you already get the recall notice through other means (like email)
Rob Hainstock ⸱ há 70 dias
this is a legit call from Costco about a recall of a food product.
Chukwuma Kanu ⸱ há 1.298 dias
this call came as if it's Costco call
Gerard Babikian ⸱ há 1.298 dias
Voice of a man
Domenico Di Grigoli ⸱ há 399 dias
possible SCAM