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United Kingdom ⸱ 11:01
Vodafone Ltd (C&W)
0333 202 9470
Eoghan McL ⸱ há 377 dias
had to unblock as Truecaller had auto blocked it multiple times, was to arrange an appointment
Ian Mandley ⸱ há 403 dias
Strange that I’m sat here , suddenly getting a voice mail , the phone hasn’t even rung. There’s background noise and it ends with a bit of music? No spoken words ..
Emma Webb ⸱ há 544 dias
couldnt be arsedtp speak. so i can be arsed to allow them to xall. leave a message of ou need me infurure. dont blank me
Torrick Abdul Hannan ⸱ há 683 dias
complained again. British Gas do not care if you complain. They are happy to continue to cold call regardless
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