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United Kingdom ⸱ 19:09
Hutchison 3G Ltd
0333 338 1079
Bassam Eid ⸱ há 232 dias
three mobile center called me to say my contract will expire soon, so they agree to give me a better deal for 24 month.
thanks to three mobile customer service
Anonymous ⸱ há 159 dias
had calls years b4 from same # when contract due for renewal so NO not spam as I called it from different phone & got usual list of options from 3.
Sandra D ⸱ há 28 dias
Tried to get me to update three mobile contract and give my details.. I called three mobile back and they confirmed that the call was NOT from them! SCAMMERS!!!
michael fowler ⸱ há 406 dias
This is the 3 mobile contract renewal call centre, if you are due for your contract ending/renewal that is why they are ringing
Josie Dandridge ⸱ há 358 dias
called me saying i had to "validate account for data protection and security" even though i didn't sign up for anything. they sent me a code that they wanted me to send back to them but it was from a different Three number than usual. definite spam.
Anonymous ⸱ há 407 dias
They asked for a code sent to my phone, I did not want to go ahead with the call, i ended it after few mins.
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