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India ⸱ 08:47
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Anonymous ⸱ há 679 dias
कॉल नहीं करे....
आपको कॉल आने के बाद कोई बात नहीं करता और कट करके अगर आप करते हो तो सब मोबाईल हँग हो जाता है.... ये एक प्रकार का व्हायरस है मानो जो सब फाइले currupt कर देता है
Akriti Gautam ⸱ há 775 dias
i am an officer cyber crime centre and if i get hild of you number and give it in the cyber centre , it would be really harsh for you , so you guys beeter not make a call on this number and also not to anyone you just disturb others thats it . i hope you know english really well am i right ???
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