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(800) 225-5345
Anonymous ⸱ 57 gg fa
i want to verify this two vacancies in DHL office (Austin texas ) if they're real , forklift operator and warehouse worker .
Louise Lynn ⸱ 358 gg fa
this is the number for the shipping company DHL International. I'm getting something from Amazon so I wanted to at least let everyone know that it's a valid number for their customer service.
Boloz Boloz ⸱ 86 gg fa
someone has to stop DHL from stealing customers stuff, the worst company ever dont send anthing valuable with DHL they don't handle customs and borders at all.
Meshac Agidi ⸱ 113 gg fa
My order hasn't arrived yet.I wrote a lot on the Dodis website, without response
Earnestine Elizabeth B Copeland ⸱ 148 gg fa
i just want to know the cost to mail a regular letter from the United States San Francisco, California Embarcadero South Street 94105 to Madison Heights,Virginia 24572
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