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(800) 325-6000
Ibrahim Khan ⸱ 52 gg fa
Western Union is useless, they are just here to waste your time, they are not trustworthy.
Miles Nita ⸱ 55 gg fa
A friend of mine sent me money but by mistake i lost the MTCN number would please help me get the number
Grâce Gbohi ⸱ 92 gg fa
bonjour la direction de western union,j'aimerais bien vous tenir informé d'une suspicion d'arnaque dont je suis l'objet,ayant faire un transfert d'argent pour le nom mahoutin Christine adande. L'argent a été effectué le 25 octobre 2024.
Dave Fenton ⸱ 560 gg fa
Western Union is an American company. you should have American customer service agents
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