Tên tìm thấy cho số +18003916182
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Hoa Kỳ, Kenya và Bangladesh
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United States
Số điện thoại miễn phí
(800) 391-6182
Bình luận
Jay Robins ⸱ 445 ngày trước
They're a real health organization. I participated last year when they came to my town. Five tests for 179. They've preventive tests so not covered by insurance. Good if you don't see a Dr often & have a family hx of big problems. Trouble is they keep calling & sending mail.
Steve L ⸱ 360 ngày trước
not spam. They are a legitimate company that does health screening for their customers for potential heart issues
Peggy Wheeler ⸱ 331 ngày trước
NOT SPAM. NOTHING POLITICAL. This is a legitimate health screening service. I get screenings with them every year.
Linda Bennett ⸱ 289 ngày trước
They continue to call after I have told them I don’t need their services.
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