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United States
Số điện thoại miễn phí
(800) 806-8840
Bình luận
Toyin Abimbola ⸱ 584 ngày trước
they call me more than 10 times in one day and without saying a word. is so annoying. i dont know what they really want
Gem Gal ⸱ 669 ngày trước
Not spam! Financing company for Samsung. I ignored because I thought it was spam (didnt recognize the name) and My credit score got dinged for late payment of samsung tv because I blocked it as spam.
Linda Love ⸱ 753 ngày trước
Yes I do immediately hang up because I have already called and discussed with someone about making a payment and apparently it was always a problem with something.
Johanna Flushing ⸱ 991 ngày trước
Left one message but it sounded like a recording of a recorded message. Answered and they hung up.
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