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Hoa Kỳ, Ấn Độ và Nigeria
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United States
Số điện thoại miễn phí
(800) 900-1361
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Anonymous ⸱ 462 ngày trước
Warning: My BEST advice is, do NOT Give them any personal information about you, Report Them and Block their phone calls (Period)
Based on 90% of my search about this company shows and prove that they are scam search online and see for yourself.
Be careful out there.
TRICKY BYRD ⸱ 267 ngày trước
people seem to have the wrong idea about what this company is doing when they call asking for specific information. It's not a scam You still owe the money they're trying to tie you to the account and if you do it legally and verbally they have you and your stuck to. Dont give it, they can't collect
Anonymous ⸱ 383 ngày trước
they called me, she knew my first and last name, and ask me to varify my street address for business purposes.
when I asked her why she calling me after business hours, and why she needs my address for business purposes, she hung up the phone.
Abe Sherman ⸱ 440 ngày trước
She said thay she is a collection agency. Sounded legit, she asked for my address, i said i dont want to becouse of scam. She refused to continue the call. And said have a nice day.
Anushree Bagwe ⸱ 622 ngày trước
same thing happened to me. and asked me to give my mailing address
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