Screenshot of incoming spam call on the Truecaller Android app
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Ứng dụng chặn spam và nhận diện ID người gọi tốt nhất thế giới
Hơn 10 triệu đánh giá 5 sao

Tên tìm thấy cho số +18666098026

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Ấn Độ, Hoa Kỳ và Malaysia
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United States
Số điện thoại miễn phí - Multiple OCN Listing
(866) 609-8026
Bình luận
Anonymous ⸱ 41 ngày trước
It's an emergency call from US number for a MNC company, not a spam.
Raz V. ⸱ 18 ngày trước
this is the OnSolve Emergency Notifications system. NOT SPAM. Companies use this system around the world to inform their employees of disasters or bad weather etc.
Pankaj Kumar ⸱ 90 ngày trước
This call is from IT company for bride call regarding any global issues.
Akanksha Das ⸱ 543 ngày trước
i am getting multiple calls on this number, as i am in india is it safe. let me know should i answer
A Smith ⸱ 285 ngày trước
its a crisis/emergency notification system. your number is listed as an employee of a particular company that is utilising the service. safe to ignore
Neeraj Kumar ⸱ 676 ngày trước
its not a scam just a communication from MNC company about update
Breyden Chuah ⸱ 703 ngày trước
its a employee verification call to confirm valid employee, they also will send SMS for u to confirm
Shifali Goyal ⸱ 751 ngày trước
i am in india and i have nothing to do with US
Mohamed Rifqi ⸱ 907 ngày trước
Not a spam, received the call an email to make sure employees are reachable in a specific period of time "Critical Alerts Testing"
Lala Lala ⸱ 908 ngày trước
I agree with Scot Eaves. Thought it was some free spammer. However I received an email through corporate email after the number called, twice call twice email. Hence I believe it was testing done as per indicated in the mail. My coworker verified as well. Hope it helps! Ps: I never pick up the call