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Richardson, Tx, United States ⸱ 20:02
Cố định hoặc di động - Southwestern Bell
(972) 497-1400
Bình luận
Marla K ⸱ 352 ngày trước
NOT a scam. It's Social Security calling for reminders or scheduled phone appts.
It is ONLY an OUTGOING phone number. If you try to call the # back, you will get a recording saying that the number is disconnected or not in service.
Karen Milan ⸱ 415 ngày trước
Like another user, this # is calling to remind about SSA appointments, not to scam. I also missed the call due to
TC blocking it.
Listen to your users TC! How about YOU change the name and put the right association with the #, especially after we REPEATEDLY tell you it's legit? Just saying ..
Bob Walker ⸱ 771 ngày trước
I had a call from this number that was a legitimate reminder of a phone appointment I have with a Social Security employee tomorrow. This one was not a scam, but I missed it because TrueCaller blocked it.
Matt George ⸱ 710 ngày trước
this is not a scam. this is the Social Security office calling to confirm a legitimate phone appointment.
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