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Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa ⸱ 09:10
Cố định - Internet Solutions (Pty) Ltd
021 753 4721
Bình luận
Sharon Swart ⸱ 466 ngày trước
Please stop calling it is going against the Popi Act I have not given you permission.
Cherokee Jeep ⸱ 340 ngày trước
Something needs to be done about these 753 numbers and annoying calls. It has to be in violation of the Popi Act
Nokukhanya Mkhize ⸱ 361 ngày trước
ooh i try to block this N.O i don't know you actually who are you
Girly Mhlanga ⸱ 406 ngày trước
If i put my fone on do not disturb mode,i miss urgent and important calls tht has smthing to do with my family that needs my immediate attention bcos of them,i block them they unblock themseves and make sure that i dont sleep during the day since i work nightshift,this is too much
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