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Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa ⸱ 17:25
Cố định - Internet Solutions (Pty) Ltd
021 753 4723
Bình luận
Kgopotso Mohlala ⸱ 151 ngày trước
how tf do they get our numbers??... Do vodacom and all that sell our data to third parties??... its tiring
Delecia September ⸱ 147 ngày trước
blocking them don't help..keep calling from other nr. starting very early in the morning till late
lihle happiness ⸱ 200 ngày trước
can they please stop ....they are annoying serious i have blocked them but i keep getting messeges that tjey trying to call
Sisanda Dimples ⸱ 150 ngày trước
i dont know. They keep on calling n let it ring once or twice then drop
Sviwe Avella ⸱ 154 ngày trước
Its really annoying what you doing guys we are busy but you keep on calling thousand times
Hanro Zwiegelaar ⸱ 168 ngày trước
Who are they . so I can Block them aswell .
I got 41 miss calls from them today only
Lindokuhle Nene ⸱ 168 ngày trước
I have blocked them but their calls are still going through. guess their number can not be blocked. This is harassment now. Stop calling me
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