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London, United Kingdom ⸱ 02:22
Cố định - DIDWW Ireland Limited
020 3807 6214
Bình luận
Amanda Haine ⸱ 408 ngày trước
Why don’t these clowns just hang up when they hear a foreign ring tone. Now blocked
Chris Abalain ⸱ 409 ngày trước
asking me to rate financial institutions. possibly to find out personal details, going off other reports, but the operator was not rude when I said I'd rather not discuss.
annpock@btinternet.com ⸱ 420 ngày trước
wanted me to rate any financial institution I dealt with eg. my bank. Posed as ISOC
Clive J ⸱ 426 ngày trước
asked if I would do a survey, I declined and they rang back 10 minutes later now blocked
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