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United Kingdom ⸱ 01:51
UAN - Vodafone Ltd (C&W)
0344 798 7008
Bình luận
Akintokunbo Adejumo ⸱ 319 ngày trước
Seems blocking Cabot is not effective as tge same number keeps getting through to me
Derick Williams ⸱ 348 ngày trước
keep calling me on a variety of different numbers? I have no idea why they keep trying as they are totally blocked on both calls and text.
Danielle Louise Powell ⸱ 582 ngày trước
keeps texting me with the wrong name abd calling me every other day.
R P ⸱ 584 ngày trước
Fake messages and calls pretending to be a genuine company are with bogus information on site with telephone and details.
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