Screenshot of incoming spam call on the Truecaller Android app
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Ứng dụng chặn spam và nhận diện ID người gọi tốt nhất thế giới
Hơn 10 triệu đánh giá 5 sao

Tên tìm thấy cho số +60358854123

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Kinrara, Malaysia ⸱ 10:52
Cố định - Maxis Broadband Sdn Bhd
03-5885 4123
Bình luận
Asar Rahman ⸱ 129 ngày trước
there is no maxis number using this landline..its clearly a sure to always contact maxis by the numbers provided in the official website
Anonymous ⸱ 138 ngày trước
ak pkai celcom dah knpa maxis kol ak pulak..scammer btul
Ratan Singh ⸱ 180 ngày trước
Hello sir/ma'am pls this number not answer calls because he scam people pls block this number okay thanks for everyone
Yotsume Onaji ⸱ 119 ngày trước
Maxis jenis lapar duit.. service amat teruk sekali.
Muhammad Khairuddin ⸱ 218 ngày trước
bill reminder call from robot. not scam, no need to answer just pay immediately then robot will stop harassing you.
Kimberly Claiborne ⸱ 181 ngày trước
called back this number to do payment but this number never angkat call . went to the original branch to do payments whenever have complications instead of calling this number, number no use. probably just some spam call to remind you to pay
Yang Ho ⸱ 35 ngày trước
those people has fame number dont fall for its all my friends
Anonymous ⸱ 183 ngày trước
do not bother answering, just block and you'll have a happier life (caller name changed so that no kne will answer)
Walter Rajau ⸱ 47 ngày trước
Recommend for using TrueCaller on autoblock for number not in phone list. Sharing and caring..TQ