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Malaysia, Ấn Độ và Indonesia
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Mantin, Malaysia ⸱ 15:42
Cố định - TT dotCom Sdn Bhd
03-8660 0099
Bình luận
Amirul Husaini ⸱ 81 ngày trước
Since when AA have customer service?? They called asking for email confirmtion to send the flight retime or whatever. If it is real AA, they already know our email address and send it straight away. Just some scam to fish email address.
Peifoon Chow ⸱ 149 ngày trước
Spam call ..please pay attention about this .
Alreday comfirm with Airasia officer in Klia 2 .
Sir Ufaiq ⸱ 6 ngày trước
bukan scammer. nk maklum delay je. awal2 utk pengesahan je, dia tnya emel apa. sebutnya emel, x perlu eja satu2
Rangga Permana ⸱ 210 ngày trước
It’s not scam. Trully from Air Asia to confirmed our flight schedule. I’ve received email immediately since i’m not picked up
Rebecca Lew ⸱ 77 ngày trước
I think is a scam. Ask for my email and verification and provide name and details. If not scam, they don't need to call for verification. And i never heard flight will depart earlier.
Anonymous ⸱ 107 ngày trước
I didn't pickup cause Truecaller identify this number as a scam. Few mins later, I received email of my booking confirmation.
Anonymous ⸱ 110 ngày trước
I received a call pretending to be AirAsia and claim my flight is cancelled. Check with AirAsia website and ground staff, my flight is not cancelled. This is from scammer. Be aware!
Tim A ⸱ 206 ngày trước
NOT SCAMMMMMM!!!! I missed the calls from AirAsia because it was tagged as a scam! It was an important call about flights reschedules!! Truecaller please remove the 'scam' status of this number!
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