Tên tìm thấy cho số +918657086794
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Mumbai, India ⸱ 19:08
Di động - Vi
086570 86794
Bình luận
Mahesh Sowani ⸱ 214 ngày trước
I am surprised too. How was Upi registration sms sent from my number to this number without my knowledge
Barbie Gurl ⸱ 222 ngày trước
I found a message in my inbox that a upi message is sent by me I haven't sent message to anyone.. this is a fake no. report this no.
Himanshu Yadav ⸱ 240 ngày trước
i found that a message to activat upi was sent to this number and that was not actually sent by me. it is a spam numer and should take action about this.
Saswati Mukherjee ⸱ 215 ngày trước
There was no call but an UPI message was sent to this number which I never sent. This is a cyber crime. Please take strict action on this.
Gayathri Vinayaka ⸱ 237 ngày trước
paytm should should complaint on this number.. must take immediate action
Reeta Sharma ⸱ 152 ngày trước
Relax, This is Normal in an abnormal way. This is auto verification procedure of UPI. This is not Scam, Their way of verification is quite abnormal and informal. Do not worry, This is not fraud, This is for your security.
Vishal Grover ⸱ 144 ngày trước
froud reha otp aya rehe h apne ap or automatic is nub send ho rehe h
Tasleem Siddiqui ⸱ 231 ngày trước
message was send to this number automatically. it is fraud. paytm should do inquiry about this.
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