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Qatar, Ấn Độ và Nepal
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Qatar ⸱ 06:03
Cố định - Local Providers
4440 9938
Bình luận
Jones Arthur ⸱ 164 ngày trước
Don't answer these guys tryin to sell stuff u don't need, a nuisance
Gray Zausa ⸱ 130 ngày trước
I think this is not spam callers but Ooredoo sales, trying to sell their promos etc. But we already have the Ooredoo app, if I want to use an offer, I will check there instead.
Anonymous ⸱ 445 ngày trước
to_ Ooredoo staff
Dear Ooredoo please don't call everytime, don't disturb please we are bg at work, always driving in the road.
and i don't want to your any offer and promotion ok.i hope you moust understand.
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