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Ghana ⸱ 14:20
Di động - MTN
059 692 0594
Bình luận
Pearl Donkor ⸱ 58 ngày trước
Can they post your picture because they threatened to post my picture, I didn’t request for it, they sent 1030 and they want me to pay 1665 in two weeks
Priscilla Emefah ⸱ 60 ngày trước
Meaning i m not the only person going through this, is really serious what is going on they can call me 20 times a day with different numbers most annoying thing they're not Ghanaian's broken English saa
Janet Forson ⸱ 72 ngày trước
they told me wanted criminals, wanted me to pay i won't pay a dime, they are still calling me and I don't pick koraa
Anonymous ⸱ 140 ngày trước
Our biggest problem is MTN GHANA, they are the landlord of the fraudsters. You will report this ppl and and they will not do anything about it.
Osei Modester ⸱ 144 ngày trước
Hello l hv warned you scammers to stop calling me l haven't request for any loan did you call the person before giving the loan
Anonymous ⸱ 178 ngày trước
the best thing to do is to report them to mtn so that their various call numbers will be disconnected and blocked
Elizabeth Yakubu ⸱ 192 ngày trước
they are truely fruadsters they are telling me wanted criminal
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