Screenshot of incoming spam call on the Truecaller Android app
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Ứng dụng chặn spam và nhận diện ID người gọi tốt nhất thế giới
Hơn 10 triệu đánh giá 5 sao

Tên tìm thấy cho số +233596922414

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Ghana ⸱ 02:33
Di động - MTN
059 692 2414
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Prince Maddy ⸱ 298 ngày trước
fido is here to stay and help, so i suggest we all keep calm and do the needful, which is to pay the loans on time, so others too may benefit. I just got a call too, and i feel its just a hnmble reminder to pay what we own tham. Thanks and keep calm!
Comfort Etse ⸱ 14 ngày trước
haven some problems about money matters will pay you as soon as i get some funds thank you.
Peace Ahiave Mawuse ⸱ 52 ngày trước
I wanted to pay my loan but you people block my account, why
zack abd ⸱ 91 ngày trước
we those are paying on time u, just 2 3 days over u stop giving me loan why
Jonathan Democritus ⸱ 271 ngày trước
upgrade your system and stop calling the wrong prople for loan repayment.
Kelvin Acheampong ⸱ 295 ngày trước
Hello can my loan be extended for me I’ll make payment by next week thank you
Empress Owusu Ansah ⸱ 187 ngày trước
pls kindly give me some time i will pay , things r really rough right please
OFOSU RITA OSAE ⸱ 188 ngày trước
I know I am due but please exercise patience. God willing Thursday i will pay please
Aboore Philip ⸱ 302 ngày trước
Good morning, pls kindly reschedule my loan balance for a month. thanks
Amoako Akwasi ⸱ 189 ngày trước
please i know you are calling for not paying the remaining amount of the loan please let it be from next week going please