Smishing Scams: Signs, Prevention Tips and Reporting Authorities

Smishing Scams

Smishing Scams: Signs, Prevention Tips and Reporting Authorities

Smishing Scams

What is SMS phishing or smishing scams?

SMS phishing, also known as "smishing," is a form of cyber attack where scammers use text messages to deceive individuals into providing sensitive information or performing actions that compromise their security. Similar to email phishing, smishing aims to trick recipients into divulging personal information such as login credentials, financial details, credit card details, OTPs or sensitive data.

How to spot smishing attacks?

Fake Messages

Scammers send text messages pretending to be from legitimate organizations such as banks, government agencies, or popular services like social media platforms or delivery services.

Urgency or Threats

The messages often create a sense of urgency or present a threat to prompt recipients to take immediate action. For example, they may claim that there's been suspicious activity on the recipient's account or that a payment is overdue.

Links or Phone Numbers

The SMS usually contains links to fake websites or prompts recipients to call a phone number provided in the message. These links or numbers lead to phishing websites or call centers where scammers attempt to extract sensitive information.

Fake Login Pages

If the SMS contains a link, it may lead to a fake login page designed to mimic the legitimate website of the organization being impersonated. When users enter their credentials on these fake pages, the information is captured by the attackers.

Malware Distribution­

In some cases, clicking on links in SMS phishing messages can lead to the installation of malware on the recipient's device, compromising its security and allowing attackers to steal additional information.

Examples of smishing attacks

Banking Scams

Recipients receive text messages claiming to be from their bank, informing them of a security issue with their account and directing them to click on a link to resolve the issue. The link leads to a fake website where recipients are asked to enter their login credentials, which are then captured by the attackers.

Package Delivery Scams

Scammers send text messages claiming to be from a delivery service, stating that a package delivery is pending and requesting recipients to click on a link for more details. The link leads to a phishing website where recipients may be asked to provide personal information or pay a fee to reschedule the delivery.

Government Agency Scams

Fraudulent text messages purporting to be from government agencies like the IRS or immigration services may inform recipients of an issue with their taxes or immigration status, urging them to take immediate action by clicking on a link or calling a provided number.

How to prevent smishing?

Download Truecaller

Truecaller is the leading Caller ID and spam-blocking app globally. It has an SMS fraud detection system that can actually flag suspicious messages or smishing attacks as ‘likely fraudulent’. It is the perfect shield to have for safe daily communication!

Be skeptical

Be cautious of unsolicited text messages, especially those that create a sense of urgency or request sensitive information.


If you receive a suspicious text message claiming to be from a legitimate organization, verify its authenticity by contacting the organization directly using trusted contact information.

Don't click

Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown or untrusted sources in text messages.

Use Security Software

Install and regularly update security software on your devices to detect and block phishing attempts.


If you receive a suspicious text message, report it to the appropriate authorities or organizations, such as your mobile carrier, banking institutions or, as well as in Truecaller.

If you are in the United States, these could be some agencies you could reach out to:

  1. Federal Trade Commission (FTC): You can file a complaint with the FTC online at 
  2. Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): You can file a complaint with the IC3 at 

If you are in India, these could be agencies you could reach out to:

  1. Cyber Crime Portal
  2. Sanchar Saathi Suspected Fraud Communication Reporting
  3. Cyber Frauds Helpline - Toll-free number 1930


Smishing tactics continue to evolve, with scammers using increasingly sophisticated methods to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links. It's essential to remain vigilant of unsolicited messages, especially those requesting personal or financial information, and to verify the legitimacy of SMSes and websites before taking any action.

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Trusted by over 400 million people, Truecaller is proud to be a leader in caller ID and spam blocking software as well as research around call and SMS harassment.